
I Quit My Job To Travel The World Heres How It Went

I Quit My Job To Travel The World Heres How It Went


Hey there, welcome to my travel blog! Today, I want to take you on a journey through some of the most breathtaking moments from my recent adventures around the world. From sandy beaches to mountain peaks, let’s dive into the excitement and beauty of travel through my lens.

Exploring the Beauty of Nature

I think we’re pretty close. Just saw a sign, but it’s the best sandcastle I’ve ever seen. This one’s like a completely solar panel, pretty steep. Jordan’s answer to the Grand Canyon. I’m gonna head back down in about 10 minutes. What an amazing place to chill.

This is the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. This is how you spend a day in Cape Town. Let’s go home, shall we, chaps?

Encountering Unexpected Moments

What is this place? Three absolute caucus today, and I have to say the sun’s out as well. The scenery is just incredible. Look at the clouds.

Nice to meet you guys. The bigger bridge, medium-size bridge, one hour done roughly. Nearly here.

I think we’re gonna get a good sunset. And if you look over there, you can see Rinjani.

Enjoying Fun and Adventure

And it’s like a multi-tiered infinity pool. I’m going to be me as usual, and you’re gonna be Ben.

Alright, that’s 8k’s knocked back. Two to go. Come by your happiness, but it can bite you.

Half an hour on a jet ski. Look who we’ve got back on the video. Harry’s back, yo. Matt’s back, a brand new leg. Watch out, watch out.

Gratitude and Excitement for Future Adventures

And we are just getting started. Thank you so much for being here. What a wild year it’s been since I quit my job to chase adventures around the world, and the adventures continue in a month’s time in Central and South America. With at least two videos a week, so you can continue to live through me for all the action. So get subscribed and hit the notification bell as well so you don’t miss new releases, and I’ll see you very, very soon.


1. What was the most memorable natural beauty encountered during the travels?
– The best sandcastle seen, resembling a solar panel and Jordan’s answer to the Grand Canyon.

2. How was the experience at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro described?
– It was described as a fantastic way to spend a day in Cape Town.

3. What unexpected moments were encountered during the travels?
– Three absolute caucus, beautiful scenery, and encountering the Rinjani view.

4. How was the enjoyment of fun and adventure portrayed during the travels?
– The experience of being in a multi-tiered infinity pool and engaging in jet skiing were highlighted.

5. What plans and excitement were expressed for future adventures?
– The anticipation for future adventures in Central and South America with regular video updates and a sense of gratitude for the journey so far.