
I Flew To Peru With Absolutely No Plan Heres What Happened Next

I Flew To Peru With Absolutely No Plan Heres What Happened Next


I’ve arrived in Cusco, one of the most famous cities in South America, with no plans booked for the next two days. Join me as I walk you through how I go about booking my adventures on the fly, including a visit to Machu Picchu and exploring the beautiful city of Cusco.

Arrival in Cusco

After a tiring early morning flight from Lima to Cusco, we found ourselves in this colonial city, surrounded by stunning views and historic sites. The altitude change from sea level to 3,400 meters was noticeable, but we were excited to start our adventures in this picturesque city.

Planning and Booking Adventures

We started our day with a delicious breakfast and coffee, ready to explore Cusco. I reached out to a tour agency with a great reputation and got our tours booked for the upcoming weeks, including the lesser-known Chakira Trek and a visit to Machu Picchu via the Salkantay route. Planning these adventures in advance allowed us to make the most of our time in Cusco.

Exploring Cusco and Planning Day Trips

With our major hikes planned, we spent the day exploring the charming streets of Cusco, indulging in local cuisine, and taking care of administrative tasks like booking return flights. We also made time for a gym session and a free walking tour to learn more about the city’s history and culture.

Finalizing Plans and Moving to Airbnb

After a successful gym session and meeting with a local guide to plan upcoming excursions to Rainbow Mountain and other scenic spots, we decided to move from a hostel to an Airbnb for a more comfortable stay. With our adventures all lined up, we were ready to dive into the heart of Cusco and make the most of our time in this vibrant city.


As we approach six months of travel, Cusco offers us the perfect playground to explore and experience the richness of Peruvian culture. With our adventures set and a comfortable base at our Airbnb, we are excited to share the beauty and excitement of Cusco with you.

Related Questions

1. How important is it to plan and book adventures in advance while traveling to a new destination like Cusco?
Planning and booking adventures in advance can help you make the most of your time and ensure you don’t miss out on must-see attractions or experiences.

2. What are some key factors to consider when choosing a tour agency for your adventures in a new city?
When selecting a tour agency, look for one with a good reputation, ethical business practices, and a focus on customer satisfaction. Reading reviews and reaching out to the agency beforehand can give you insights into their services.

3. Why is it beneficial to transition from a hostel to an Airbnb during long-term travel?
Moving from a hostel to an Airbnb can provide a more comfortable and private living space, especially for long-term travelers. It allows for a homely environment and a break from the dormitory setting.

4. What are the advantages of participating in free walking tours while exploring a new city like Cusco?
Free walking tours offer a great way to learn about the history and culture of a city, interact with locals, and discover hidden gems off the beaten path. It also allows you to support local guides through tips based on your experience.

5. How does immersing yourself in the local cuisine enhance your travel experience?
Trying local dishes, such as alpaca burgers in Cusco, not only introduces you to new flavors but also gives you a deeper understanding of the region’s culinary traditions and culture. It adds a delicious layer to your travel memories.