
Rowing Non-Stop For 7 Days Bad Idea Ep3

Rowing Non-Stop For 7 Days Bad Idea  Ep3


In this blog post, we will dive into the exciting journey of a team rowing from the Bahamas to Mainland USA in Florida. Join the adventure as they navigate the challenges of ocean rowing, from rowing shifts and rough weather to unexpected encounters along the way.

Brucey’s Ocean Rowing Experience

Brucey shares his experience of preparing for this ocean rowing project, highlighting the importance of boat maintenance, safety measures, and essential equipment like the water maker. His practical skills and dedication to ensuring the boat’s functionality showcase the commitment required for such a challenging endeavor.

Rowing Through Day One

The team embarks on their journey, rowing through the day and night in shifts. From battling seasickness to enjoying meals of tinned food, they face the physical demands of continuous rowing. Despite the initial challenges, they find moments of camaraderie and support, making progress towards their destination.

Sunset and Reflections on Day One

As the sun sets on day one, the team reflects on their achievements and struggles. They celebrate their progress while acknowledging the toll it takes on their bodies. With a mix of exhaustion and determination, they prepare for a night of rowing under the stars, embracing the highs and lows of their adventure.

Navigating Challenges on Day Two

Day two brings new challenges, including strong winds and slow progress. The team adjusts their rowing schedule and finds ways to boost morale, from cold brew coffee to dreaming of a meal on Paradise Island. Despite the setbacks, they push through, demonstrating resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Arrival at Fraser Hog Key

After a grueling morning of rowing against the current, the team arrives at Fraser Hog Key for a brief respite. They weigh their options, deciding to push forward to their next stop despite fatigue. The strategic decision reflects their commitment to maximizing favorable weather windows and staying on course towards their ultimate goal.

Reflections at Sunrise on Day Three

As the sun rises on day three, the team reflects on their journey so far and looks ahead to the challenges that lie ahead. With a mix of exhaustion and excitement, they embrace the uncertainties of ocean rowing, knowing that each day brings new adventures and tests of their endurance.


1. What are some of the key preparations involved in embarking on an ocean rowing expedition?
– Key preparations include boat maintenance, safety checks, and ensuring essential equipment like the water maker is functional.

2. How do the team members cope with the physical demands of continuous rowing through day and night?
– The team copes with physical demands by following a strict rowing schedule, taking seasickness tablets, and supporting each other through challenges.

3. How do the rowers stay motivated and boost morale during challenging moments on the journey?
– The rowers boost morale by enjoying meals together, dreaming of future rewards like a burger on Paradise Island, and finding ways to stay engaged and positive.

4. What factors influence the team’s decision-making process when faced with weather changes and strategic choices?
– The team considers factors like weather conditions, wind patterns, and the need to maximize favorable conditions while minimizing risks to make informed decisions about their route and rest stops.

5. How does the team’s resilience and adaptability contribute to their overall success in completing the ocean rowing expedition?
– The team’s resilience and adaptability help them navigate unforeseen challenges, adjust their plans as needed, and maintain a positive attitude despite physical and mental fatigue, ultimately leading to their successful progress towards their destination.